Home Icon Floral Brown Balaji Alamelu Wedding Invitation Card

Floral Brown Balaji Alamelu Wedding Invitation Card

Floral Brown Balaji Alamelu Wedding Invitation Card- KNK3854 Featured
Floral Brown Balaji Alamelu Wedding Invitation Card- KNK3854 Card & Cover
Floral Brown Balaji Alamelu Wedding Invitation Card- KNK3854 Card
Floral Brown Balaji Alamelu Wedding Invitation Card- KNK3854 Cover
Floral Brown Balaji Alamelu Wedding Invitation Card- KNK3854 Inner
Floral Brown Balaji Alamelu Wedding Invitation Card- KNK3854 Featured
7.96per unit inclusive of GST. 15.93
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This is a featured card and one of our best sellers. This card consists of three omnipotent Gods, namely Lord Ganesha, Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. This card is best suited for auspicious events. It is equally suitable for a Hindu festival or wedding. The glossy finish indicates the importance that is being bestowed to the occasion and the guest. In India, serving the guest properly is Param Dharma. The heavenly bliss of the card infuses a divine stupor in the invitees request. The guests will surely feel welcome to the event. There is no way he will be able to refuse such a gracious invite.

Additional Information

height Icon
  • 24.5 cms
width Icon
  • 18.5 cms
weight Icon
  • 56 grams


Printing charges is not included in the above price. The printing cost is dependent on variables like number of impressions, type of printing - Screen /UV / Offset / Foil Impression & nature of cards. Please contact our customer care to know the printing cost of the card selected by you. Shipping charges is calculated at check-out page. Please note cash on delivery service is not available.