Home Icon Exquisite Ganesha and Holy Balaji Wedding Invitation Card-KNK2705

Exquisite Ganesha and Holy Balaji Wedding Invitation Card-KNK2705

Exquisite Ganesha and Holy Balaji Invitation Card-KNK2705 Featured
Exquisite Ganesha and Holy Balaji Invitation Card-KNK2705 Card & Cover
Exquisite Ganesha and Holy Balaji Invitation Card-KNK2705 Card
Exquisite Ganesha and Holy Balaji Invitation Card-KNK2705 Cover
Exquisite Ganesha and Holy Balaji Invitation Card-KNK2705 Inner
Exquisite Ganesha and Holy Balaji Invitation Card-KNK2705 Featured
8.85per unit inclusive of GST. 17.70
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What is Screen printing?

Screen print is high quality metallic finish print.

Given rate is for 3 prints only.

2 prints on Interleaf & 1 print on cover.

Prints on additional interleafs please contact our customer care.

What is Screen printing - 2 color?

Screen print is high quality metallic finish print. We use 2 different print colors to differentiate the important names & normal text.

Given rate is for 3 prints only.

2 prints on Interleaf & 1 print on cover.

Prints on additional interleafs please contact our customer care.

What is Screen print?
Screen print is high quality metallic finish print.

What is Foiling?
Combining foil stamping (application of foil with heat) in a image.

Given rate is for 3 prints only.

2 prints on Interleaf & 1 print on cover.

Prints on additional interleafs please contact our customer care.


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This card depicts image of Alamelu Balaji on green shaded block with golden border. Another image of Lord Ganesha adorns the lower side of the card. There is intricate gold design around the images that adds an opulent touch to the appearance of card. The white envelope with embossed image of Lord Ganesha in one corner reflects sophistication. You can use this card as an invite to Wedding, reception, engagement, thread ceremony, housewarming, inauguration and thread ceremony. We print the card at our in-house printing facility and also entertain your request for inserting extra leaflets at a nominal additional cost

Additional Information

height Icon
  • 24 cms
width Icon
  • 23 cms
weight Icon
  • 66 grams


Printing charges is not included in the above price. The printing cost is dependent on variables like number of impressions, type of printing - Screen /UV / Offset / Foil Impression & nature of cards. Please contact our customer care to know the printing cost of the card selected by you. Shipping charges is calculated at check-out page. Please note cash on delivery service is not available.